RECENZIJA: NEW CHIC dress & shoes
Pozdrav dragi moji! / Hi Gorgeous!
U suradnji s NEW CHIC stranicom, danas vam donosim recenziju dvije stvarčice koje sam imala priliku odabrati i naručiti te recenzirati u ove svrhe! Prije nikada nisam naručivala s ove stranice, stoga me zaista zanimalo kakva je odjeća a i dostava. Sve to i više od toga ćemo dotaći u ovom postu!
U suradnji s NEW CHIC stranicom, danas vam donosim recenziju dvije stvarčice koje sam imala priliku odabrati i naručiti te recenzirati u ove svrhe! Prije nikada nisam naručivala s ove stranice, stoga me zaista zanimalo kakva je odjeća a i dostava. Sve to i više od toga ćemo dotaći u ovom postu!
In collaboration with NEW CHIC online store, I'm bringing you this review! Before this, I've never actually heard for them, so here is my full first impression on this site clothes and everything that matters!
In collaboration with NEW CHIC online store, I'm bringing you this review! Before this, I've never actually heard for them, so here is my full first impression on this site clothes and everything that matters!
Prvo, kod kupovanja na njihovoj stranici, mogu reći da je
usluga bila zadovoljavajuća, stranica je pregledna, lako ćete pronaći što
tražite po kategorijama ili ključnim riječima, izbor je i više nego velik i
zaista ima za svakoga ponešto, a cjenovni rang se kreče u podosta jeftinoj
kategoriji. Ono što je odlično je činjenica da imaju tablicu s veličinama za sve proizvode.
While shopping, I was glancing thought a lot of stuff that they have and one thing that I can say, they seem pretty well organized, there are size charts for every item, and you can find stuff searching over categories or key words! This site bring so much stuff that I believe there is something for everyone, and the prices are not over the top!
While shopping, I was glancing thought a lot of stuff that they have and one thing that I can say, they seem pretty well organized, there are size charts for every item, and you can find stuff searching over categories or key words! This site bring so much stuff that I believe there is something for everyone, and the prices are not over the top!
Shipping, odnosno dostava je trajala točno 2 tjedna, što s
obzirom na to da dolazi iz Kine je i više nego normalno i uobičajeno. A sada
možemo se baciti na ono što vjerujem vas sve zanima! A to je kvaliteta odjeće!
The shipping for items that they sent to me, was taking 2 weeks straight! This is pretty fine if you ask me.
The shipping for items that they sent to me, was taking 2 weeks straight! This is pretty fine if you ask me.
U ovoj suradnji, odabrala sam dvije stvari a prva je ova predivna haljina LINK u pink nijansi,
koja se ne doima pink na svijetlu na kojem je slikano, ali na dnevnom svjetlu
se vidi da je lagano prisutan rozi podton kao na slikama.
I choose 2 items in this order, first one is this beautiful dress LINK in pink color. I know it doesn’t look pink at all but in day light it is dusty rose.
I choose 2 items in this order, first one is this beautiful dress LINK in pink color. I know it doesn’t look pink at all but in day light it is dusty rose.
Haljinu sam naručila u M veličini čisto zbog dužine, jer
gornji dio se rasteže i mislim da manje-više bar s tim dijelom ne možete
pogriješiti. Meni je haljina i više nego savršenije veličine, a visoka sam 163
i nosim konfekcijski broj obično 36.
I ordered size M, because I wanted it to be just a bit longer, and it fits amazing! My height is about 163 cm and I wear EU 36.
I ordered size M, because I wanted it to be just a bit longer, and it fits amazing! My height is about 163 cm and I wear EU 36.
Materijal je nešto „grublji“ na dodir, nikako se ne radi o
onim klasičnim chiffon materijalima koje vam uvale pri svakoj narudžbi s
interneta uglavnom, a haljina ima i mini podsuknju koja je svilenkasta na dodir
i mogu reći jako ugodna za nošenje, ne zalijepi se na tijelo.
The material seemed a little rough, but not bad, as well there is slip under, so you won’t be afraid that you will show more than you want.
The material seemed a little rough, but not bad, as well there is slip under, so you won’t be afraid that you will show more than you want.
Haljini bi dala 5/5 i
više nego zadovoljna sam odabirom.
For the dress I would give 5/5, I’m more than happy with it.
For the dress I would give 5/5, I’m more than happy with it.
Druge na redu su cipele LINK , moram reći da već pola godine
tražim sandalice ovog stila koje nemaju previsoku petu, pretanku i što sve ne,
a sve koje sam nalazila u dućanima kod nas, su se tako brzo rasprodale da
nikako nisam mogla ugrabiti jedan par.
Second item are these beautiful shoes that I love! LINK They are simple, elegant and I've been searching for something like this for a longest time.
Second item are these beautiful shoes that I love! LINK They are simple, elegant and I've been searching for something like this for a longest time.
Čim sam ih vidjela na stranici odlučila sam po prvi put u
životu riskirati, premjerila sam stopalo 50 puta i pogledala sve mjere koje
imaju na stranici i na kraju, napravila odličan odabir, cipelice su taman moj
broj, došle su označene brojem 39 (inače nosim 38) ali radi se o kineskim
brojevima pa me to ne iznenađuje a odredila sam veličinu preko dužine gazišta
koja je navedena za svake cipele na stranici (što je odlično)
I took the „online shopping for shoes“risk and actually didn't regret it at all. They are very good quality, I would recommend sizing up, and measuring foot length when choosing a size.
I took the „online shopping for shoes“risk and actually didn't regret it at all. They are very good quality, I would recommend sizing up, and measuring foot length when choosing a size.
Osim što mi je veličina taman, bila sam iznenađena jer su
sandalice zaista kvalitetno napravljene i izgledaju fantastično na
nogama,lagane su za hod, međutim meni su se napravili mali žuljići na
gležnjevima, jer sam prvi put nosila prenategnute ove gornje remenčiće. Cipelice su također čista 5/5
They are easy to walk in, and I did get a blister first time I wore them, but that happened because i didn’t loosen ankle belt, and it basically happens to me with every news shoes. I would give them 5/5 as well!
They are easy to walk in, and I did get a blister first time I wore them, but that happened because i didn’t loosen ankle belt, and it basically happens to me with every news shoes. I would give them 5/5 as well!
Ovom narudžbom sam i više nego zadovoljna i mogu reći da još
uvijek nisam imala tako dobro iskustvo s nekom online stranicom, što se tiče
kvalitete odjeće i omjera cijene.
I'm surprisingly more than happy with this order! And I do considered getting back to the site and maybe get a few more items!
I'm surprisingly more than happy with this order! And I do considered getting back to the site and maybe get a few more items!
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pronaći nekoliko linkova i stvarčica od NEWCHICA
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Before 12:00 am, August 12 (UTC), Newchic will draw three users among all customers and they will enjoy a free order. During the sales party from August 8 to August 10, they will offer some products for $8.8 seckill, $3.3 seckill, and $0.1 seckill and some 50% off products.
Lip Stick:
Face Care Tools:
Before 12:00 am, August 12 (UTC), Newchic will draw three users among all customers and they will enjoy a free order. During the sales party from August 8 to August 10, they will offer some products for $8.8 seckill, $3.3 seckill, and $0.1 seckill and some 50% off products.
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Xoxo Ivana
*PR – recenzija u suradnji s NewChic stranicom
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